Nome e cognome
Giuliano Calza
Job title
Fondatore e Direttore Creativo di GCDS
Speaker Bio
Giuliano Calza, fondatore e direttore creativo di GCDS, è uno dei più giovani designer italiani a essersi distinto sul panorama globale della moda. Dopo una laurea in scienze politiche a L’Orientale di Napoli e una in marketing, Giuliano Calza si trasferisce a Shanghai, dove frequenta l’università, per poi tornarci quattro anni più tardi, lavorando come consulente d’immagine in diversi settori. Giuliano testa il mercato cinese, impara il mandarino e vede il futuro che avanza sotto forma di maxi logo stampato. In Cina immagina e realizza le prime felpe e calze GCDS che, una volta tornato in Italia, vende online: i capi vanno sold-out. Così la sua personale idea italiana di street style si trasforma in realtà. Seguono le collezioni, l’attenzione di numerose star e l’invito alla New York Fashion Week. È il 2017 e su una passerella rosa shocking avviene il debutto internazionale. Da allora, GCDS continua a esportare la moda made in Italy nel mondo con collezioni sempre più dirompenti e con le sue boutique monomarca.
Giuliano Calza, founder and creative director of GCDS, is one of the youngest Italian designers to have distinguished himself on the global fashion scene. After a degree in political science from L'Orientale in Naples and one in marketing, Giuliano Calza moved to Shanghai, where he attended university, and then returned four years later, working as an image consultant in different sectors. Giuliano tested the Chinese market, learnt Mandarin and saw the future advancing in the form of printed maxi logos. In China he imagined and made the first GCDS sweatshirts and socks that, once back in Italy, he sold online: the garments sold out. Thus his personal Italian street style idea is transformed into reality. Next came collections, the attention of numerous stars and an invitation to New York Fashion Week. The international debut took place in 2017, on a shocking pink catwalk. Since then, GCDS has continued to export made-in-Italy fashion around the world with increasingly disruptive collections and its single-brand boutiques.
Giuliano Calza, founder and creative director of GCDS, is one of the youngest Italian designers to have distinguished himself on the global fashion scene. After a degree in political science from L'Orientale in Naples and one in marketing, Giuliano Calza moved to Shanghai, where he attended university, and then returned four years later, working as an image consultant in different sectors. Giuliano tested the Chinese market, learnt Mandarin and saw the future advancing in the form of printed maxi logos. In China he imagined and made the first GCDS sweatshirts and socks that, once back in Italy, he sold online: the garments sold out. Thus his personal Italian street style idea is transformed into reality. Next came collections, the attention of numerous stars and an invitation to New York Fashion Week. The international debut took place in 2017, on a shocking pink catwalk. Since then, GCDS has continued to export made-in-Italy fashion around the world with increasingly disruptive collections and its single-brand boutiques.
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