Nome e cognome
Maximilian Davis
Job title
Direttore Creativo di Ferragamo
Speaker Bio
Maximilian Davis è cresciuto a Manchester, in Inghilterra, in una famiglia caraibica molto unita. Le sue origini trinidadian-giamaicane sono una parte essenziale della sua identità e una forte ispirazione per il suo lavoro. La moda ha sempre fatto parte della sua vita: sua madre ha fatto la modella negli anni '70 e sia suo padre che sua sorella maggiore hanno studiato fashion design prima di intraprendere altre carriere. Il suo marchio omonimo è stato fondato nel 2020 con il sostegno di Fashion East e ha debuttato con la sua prima collezione primavera-estate 2021, un omaggio a sua nonna e ai suoi ricordi di Trinidad. Nel suo lavoro, cerca di rielaborare questi riferimenti storici con una sensibilità contemporanea, creando un'interazione tra raffinatezza formale e sensualità. A partire dal 16 marzo 2022, il brand italiano di lusso Ferragamo ha nominato Maximilian Davis Direttore Creativo.
Maximilian Davis grew up in Manchester, England, in a close Caribbean family. His Trinidadian-Jamaican origins are an essential part of his identity and a strong inspiration for his work. Fashion has always been part of his life, his mother had modelled in the ’70s, and both his father and older sister studied fashion design before pursuing other careers. His eponymous label was founded in 2020 with the support of Fashion East and debuted his first collection Spring-Summer 2021, which was a tribute to his grandmother and to his memories of Trinidad. He reworked these historical references with a contemporary sensibility, creating an interplay between formal refinement and sensuality. Effective from 16 March 2022, Ferragamo, the Italian luxury heritage brand, has appointed Maximilian Davis as Creative Director.
Maximilian Davis grew up in Manchester, England, in a close Caribbean family. His Trinidadian-Jamaican origins are an essential part of his identity and a strong inspiration for his work. Fashion has always been part of his life, his mother had modelled in the ’70s, and both his father and older sister studied fashion design before pursuing other careers. His eponymous label was founded in 2020 with the support of Fashion East and debuted his first collection Spring-Summer 2021, which was a tribute to his grandmother and to his memories of Trinidad. He reworked these historical references with a contemporary sensibility, creating an interplay between formal refinement and sensuality. Effective from 16 March 2022, Ferragamo, the Italian luxury heritage brand, has appointed Maximilian Davis as Creative Director.
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